Just like smoke
.. you know what .. it feels like an empty room,
an empty room with no furniture .. just totally flat.
no bright colors .. I would like to have it walls green ..
for it is my favorite color .. but no, it's just a black and dull ...
to feel as I do now destroy me, it destroys who I am ...
the reason for that is because I was in danger,
I was like a lighted candle over a quiet sea
afraid of lthe stormn who would come and extinguish me ...
As expected, it happened ..
and now I'm just a streak of smoke that slowly,
ever so slowly moves up towards the sky.
// Hazze
Looking into the other side, where a confused face was looking at me.
Looking at me with pity. looking through me,
searching through me, searching for my soul,
I see a tear roll down from her eye, rolling down her cheek,
down on the side of her lip, down to the chin,
then slowly fall down down down until the tear was not visible in the deep darkness ....
Looking up again I saw something that surprise me,
it scared me, it confused me ...
and then I realize that I was IT.
// Hazze

Fota: Hazze (Jag i fotot)
Running through a Forest in panic, in fear,
desperately painting.
Suddenly a sharp pain in my shoulder.
ekoing into me. writhing through my body.
Nearly making me stumble from the choke of distress causing my body.
I see a key through the thick forest.
I keep running, running faster.
gasping for air, trying to get air into my lungs.
trying to reach the key ahead,
the Key that is the only glimmer of hope from rescue me.
I get closer and closer,
but it comes closer and closer.
Tears streaming down my face nearly freezing on my cheeks.
I continue to run, careless of the branches hitting my face,
tearing my clothes and giving me small gashes
that oozes out red hot blood,
feeling the pulse pulseing fast in each cut.
Nearly there, the Key just 5 foot ahead,
I jump through the air, stretching my arm to reach it,
time stops, I look at the key floating in the air.
Seconds feeling like hours,
Feeling it warmth of the key that seems to be made of light.
getting the key in my hand, burning in my hand,
feeling every sharp edge digging into my flesh.
I suddenly wake up with eyes wide open,
dripping wet with cold sweat. breathing hard.
I look around in my room.
Then I looking in my hand were the key had been…
in my hand I saw a key form carved in my flesh.
// Hazze